Chat live with your website visitors / blog readers
[ ENGLISH ].......
We blogger's are always concerned about our readers and regular visitor's feedback. Though the options of comment boxes, "Contact us" details and polls available for communicating with our blog's or website's visitors, it is always a one way communication.It will be really useful for both a blogger/webmaster and readers/visitors of our blogs and websites. Here comes an amazing widget from which enables us to chat live with website visitors.
This widget is called as Meebome. You can find this live chat gadget here.
How to set a Meebome widget on your blog?
- Visit
- Give your widget a title.
- Select the display name as you want to show your visitors.
- Select widget size that's suitable for your blog/website sidebar
- Select color combination to suit your blog/website's color scheme.

- If you already have a meebo id then log in. If you do not have a meebo id then create one for free and click on NEXT step.
- Now you will be presented with a HTML/JAVASCRIPT code. Copy the code in text box (as shown in the image)
- Just copy and paste this code into your website html page/ (For blogger blog - add html/javascript gadget) where you'd like the widget to appear
- Sign into
- See the visitors on your site and start talking with your fans!